Aminet 28
Aminet 28 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1998].iso
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Text File
79 lines
LICENSE and TERMS for software originating from Bilbo the first
Copyright © 1993 Bilbo the first
This software is NOT in the Public Domain, NOT Freeware and NOT Shareware.
This document overrides any former documents included with preceding
versions of this software package, and is to be considered valid for those,
as well as for the package with which it is included.
There are NO warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the
software, its quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for any
particular purpose. This software is provided "as is" and the entire risk
as to its quality and performance is with the user.
The author of this software shall NOT be liable for errors contained in
the software or the software's documentation, or for incidental or conse-
quential damages of any kind in connection with the performance, use or
posession of this software. The use of undocumented features/commands is
not permitted except with permission from the author, and the author is in
NO way responsible for consequences thereof.
Anyone may use it for private purposes, and it may be given away for free,
as long as it is NOT part of any deal involving purchases; and fees for
copying and/or distribution, and/or fees for disks exceeding the actual
market price for an empty disk of the same brand/quality is to be considered
as commercial exploitation of this software, and an infringement of the
Copyrights (©) of the author. The right to use this software and/or its
documentation for private purposes may or may NOT be restricted by
additional copyrights and/or registration conditions.
If given away under above (or below) conditions, the receiver in NO way
receives the ownership of the program itself, but may only be licenced to
use it if above and below conditions are met.
If these rules infringes the local law and/or rights of any area,
political or geographical, this software is NOT to be used and/or distri-
buted in these areas.
There may or may NOT be specific charges for the use and/or spreading of
this(these) program(s), and if existant, these charges are to be honored
following a free test period of either 3 days or 10 executions of the
program, whatever comes first. The payment of these charges do NOT in any
way make the user/distributor entitled to any form of support and/or
upgrades and/or does NOT give him/her/them/it any rights regarding the
software, or the use/distribution thereof, and the Author assumes NO extra
responsibility and will retain superior ownership and copyright of the code,
parts of code, and/or source of code of all software.
The executionable and/or non-executionable parts of this program or any
package consisting of any or all of these parts are NOT to be altered by any
means (including editing, reprogramming, crunching, and recompiling), except
de-archiving. Note that by changing any part of the software, you will
resume all the responsibilities, but none of the rights of the author (Bilbo
1st). The author (Bilbo 1st) is in NO way responsible for any changes made
to any part of the package, or consequences thereof.
The name of the executable file(s) may be changed at convenience, as long
as this does NOT infringe any copyright of any other author, and by changing
the name(s), observe that all rights and/or restrictions given by this text,
and/or by the software itself still applies.
The documents contained in the software package contain proprietary
information which is protected by copyright (©). All rights are reserved.
No part of these documents may be photocopied, reproduced, electronically
copied, or translated to another language without the inclusion of the
software and other included files as part of a package. The executable
files accompagnying this package may NOT be reproduced or transferred
outside a one-machine-environment without all these accompagnying files
including this file. Any translation of any part of the package, to
whatever language, has to be included as an ADDITIONAL text file, and should
NOT contain the signature of the Author, but MUST be signed by the person(s)
doing the translation.
These documents are NOT to be changed by any means, excepting Archiving,
if the documents are extractable, and readable after extracting, and the
name of the archive is directly spellable using letters "A".."Z", numbers
"0".."9" plus punctuation ".", and does NOT contain more than eight (8)
characters plus punctuation(".") plus three (3) characters. This is to
ensure compatibility with the MS-DOS(TM) and PC-DOS(TM) file systems.
*Bilbo the first